
Outstanding Teacher Award

This is awarded to the a middle school and highschool teacher who have demonstrated excellence in teaching science. The award includes a personalized plaque and a $50 cash prize. Teachers must be nominated annually to be considered for this award. Click here for the Nomination Form.

Kirkpatrick Trophy and National Academy Awards

Eva and Kemps Kirkpatrick have supported the Junior Division from its historical beginnings.  Eva served in the past as State director for the Junior Division for two consecutive three-year terms (a record).  In recognition of the Kirkpatrick family’s tireless efforts to build the Junior Division from the ground up to what it is today, the two top Senior High papers are recognized each year with this trophy donated by the Kirkpatricks.  These two students also receive a one-year free membership in the Missouri Academy of Sciences.

Kirkpatrick Junior Eagle Awards

In 1993, Eva and Kemps Kirkpatrick, long-time supporters of Junior Division activities, chose to extend their Senior High “Eagle” trophy recognition already in place for the two top Senior High finalists to include as well the two top Junior High finalists.  (first awarded 1993.)

Paula Macy Memorial Award

This award is given to a student who completes the most impressive project without using any university or professional laboratory space or equipment during the course of the project.

Amy and Beth Lawson Award

This award recognizes the best bacteriology project by one middle school and high school student. Amy and Beth Lawson, daughters of the Southwest Region’s previous Director, Mike Lawson, participated and excelled in the Junior Academy program throughout their middle school and high school years. Amy and Beth have built upon their successes in the Junior Academy as they enter their careers. This award serves to encourage our next generation of doctors and researchers. (first awarded 2004)

Good Life Grass Farms Award

This award recognizes a project that focuses on sustainable or regenerative farm practices. This cash award is awarded to one middle school or high school student. (first awarded 2022)


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