Missouri Academy of ScienceAtmospheric Science||Chemistry||Physics||Geology||Mathematics||Geography||Biology||Agriculture||Biochemistry||Biomedicine||Biotechnology||Computer Science||Conservation||Geosciences||Engineering||Science Education||Social Sciences||Behavioral Sciences
Atmospheric Science
||Computer Science
||Science Education
||Social Sciences
||Behavioral Sciences
The 2025 Missouri Academy of Science Annual Meeting
The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Missouri Academy of Science will be held at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, MO on April 11-12, 2025.
Science for everyone
The purpose of the Academy is to foster public interest in scientific matters and promote cooperation between the scientific interests of Missouri.
Membership Benefits
Submit a journal article or a conference paper.
Attend and participate in the annual conference and other MAS meetings.
Connect with other scientists from a broad range of backgrounds across the state.